What does it mean when a guy has all the signs of cheating but is accusing you of cheating?

Question by *(MiSsY)*: What does it mean when a guy has all the signs of cheating but is accusing you of cheating?
My boyfriend if 3 years has been going a little off lately. He doesn’t want to come over during the week, let me in his house, let me see his phone, meet/spend time with him and his friends, and lots more. In other words he is showing all the signs of cheating. And he talks to me like I am a dog. He tells me “fuck you”, “whore you cheated on me”, etc. What should I do? How can i know the truth about why he is doing this?

Best answer:

Answer by katie d
if i was with a guy like that, i would probably break up with him.

please help:: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AulD5WWwUp_TB.wOg5JD2IXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091025154111AAclCeY

What do you think? Answer below!.

18 Responses to “What does it mean when a guy has all the signs of cheating but is accusing you of cheating?”

  1. Stephanie O says:

    sorry hun but i think he’s cheating on you and you shouldn’t take this sh*t from him leave him

  2. Sassy says:

    Are you cheating?
    Is there anyway why he mite think you did cheat???

    Umm; if not.. classic guy move..
    They mess up; so they get mad at you to cover up what they are doing.
    Umm; definately question him about his faithfullness & dont back down if he tells u you cheated simply say

  3. Lissy M says:

    I’ll be honest with you. Usually when a person is cheating, they become paranoid of the other person cheating on them. ANd they try to put all the focus on you so they can cover up their tracks and make you feel guilty so you dont question them. It’s reverse psychology. He sounds really sketchy….I wouldn’t trust him if he is that possesive of his things and personal space. And to talk to you that way is so disrespectful and you shouldnt have to be put through that.

  4. amy says:

    maybe ask his friends. ,,im really sorry =( i think you’d deserve better, noone deserves to be treated like a dog. and maybe he’s acusing you of cheeting bc he might possibly be cheating. or maybe he’s thinks your too good for him, and is protective of you or something, im not sure, but best of luck to you!! =)

  5. Ricky says:

    well you cant know the truth cuz hes having a hsy fit and hes trying to brake up with you for cheating before you nail him with it

  6. shia labeouf's the fking MAN says:

    He’s saying that you cheated on him so you will be too busy defending yourself from his accusations, to be able to accuse HIM of cheating. Also, he probly thinks it makes him look less guilty if he seems to care about u enough to not want u to cheat. lol

    I’ve never cheated and never would, but if i did cheat i might end up doing something along those lines for the whole “blaming u of cheating” part- i can kind of see that.

    What i dont get is why he is ignoring u. if he doesnt care about u much nemore and is cheating and is locking u out of his house etc etc, why the hell would he care enough to accuse u of cheating?

    My only conclusion is that not only does he not care about u and is about to dump u, but ALSO he wants to make ur life miserable

  7. Charlie says:

    It means he’s cheating on you and you dump his sorry @ss.

  8. Lauren says:

    DROP HIM! god girl. you’re worth more than that. Just calling you a whore is enough to dump him. He obviously doesn’t have enough respect for you to be in a proper relationship. And the suspicion of cheating is just the cherry on top. I know it’s hard, but you gotta ditch him and find a new boy. Good luck hunni

  9. Future Mrs. Sinclair says:

    He’s trying to take the blame off of himself and put it on you!

  10. Jett The 4 says:

    He’s cheating on you, he wants to keep you from knowing,
    Break up with him.

  11. giovahni says:

    plain he’s cheating he tinks that by acusing you of cheating it will tke all eyes of him

  12. mari says:

    I’m sorry but it sounds like he’s cheatign and just trying to shove hsi guilt oto you by accusign him of cheating.
    he’s not worth it.
    confront him, and if he admits dont forgive him. NOT WORTH IT!

    …or you could check his phone. 0=|
    sorry honey.

  13. minnie says:

    I have been there. He was constantly talking down to me like i was doing wrong when i wasn’t but HE was the one cheating. That sounds like what your going through. Even though you might not have proof, it seems like even you KNOW he’s cheating on you. What are you waiting for,to catch him in bed with another girl? You don’t have to do that when deep down you know. Eitheir approach him and say you KNOW he is, and decide what you guys are doing about your relationship, or just break it off and stay away. Otherwise, if you keep waiting around, you’re only going to be hurting yourself more. Maybe he’s not ready to continue a long term relationship..but we can’t say…only you can. So if you want to work it out..you need to talk to him and see what he honestly wants. And if you do decide to stay together and nothings changing, it would be best to end it before everything gets worse.Good luck sweetie

  14. Captain Claudius says:

    I don’t think you need to stay in that relationship. If a guy is going to talk you to like that then he no longer values your companionship or you as a person and I think you would be much better off leaving him and finding someone who will value you as a person and not call such names.

    Guys who do that sort of thing have no perception on how to treat a girl and if they are changing their behavior then they are doing something that they shouldn’t be doing and you need to leave.

    If you stick with him he may become abusive and violent, so please do yourself a favor and end your relationship with him. Any guy who cannot be honest with a girl and resorts to calling her names and being verbally abusive is not a guy who needs a girlfriend. He needs to seek counseling or therapy.

  15. shaemonique2003 says:

    girl as soon as a man accuses u of cheating its because he is the one thats cheating, thats your first sign! and he’s telling on himself by not letting u in or see his phone etc….. let him go ASAP!!! im sure u r a beautiful girl who has very high self esteem and im sure u can go find u a real man who will value u and your self-worth. kick his sorry behind to the curb. u dont need the drama!!!!

  16. Nicole says:

    You know the answer, he’s cheating on you. If a guy or girl accuses the other partner of cheating then that right there says he or she is cheating on you. How can u know the truth? the signs are right there, so why turn it into an investigation. There is a part of u that holds on to hope that it’s not true.

  17. Ambre says:

    “What does it mean when a guy has all the signs of cheating but is accusing you of cheating?”

    This is a MAJOR sign that he is cheating on you and there are plenty of guys that start accusing their girlfriend of cheating once they start cheating. It is a disgusting thing to do that a lot of cheaters like doing.

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