Q&A: dating : is it true that once youre a cheater, always a cheater?

Question by CJ: dating : is it true that once youre a cheater, always a cheater?
Is it true that all cheaters will be cheaters? I caught the girl with two hickies. She lied at first then soon after fessed up that she had made out with another guy that hsd been trying to get with her. She said it was because we were arguing and she was confused.

my question is does a confession mean anything at all besides general respect? Is it even possible for people to cheat only once and never again? My mind has yet to rest. Please share your experiences with me and describe what happened and what ended up happening between you 3. Thanks!
She also lives with me so there is not much history or contact between them two through text or the phone, so i know there isnt much forethought and elaborate plan to play me. They are coworkers who hang out with the same ppl once in a while. When the cheating happened, they were drinking with other friends.

By the way dont be sorry, tell me whats real.

Best answer:

Answer by ♥Free♥
I think it’s ture but I also think that rule applys to men more than it does women sorry lol but I still think what she did was disrespectful to you. I mean what if you went out and did the same think would she like it? It is always a possibility that she will go out and do it again.

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One Response to “Q&A: dating : is it true that once youre a cheater, always a cheater?”

  1. dan d says:

    i dont think so i think people go through stages… but… if you do get cheated on you HAVE to break up its ultimate disrespect were all human but relationships get shaky after that theres always that distrust so its better to start fresh you can be freinds but i wouldnt recomend salvaging that relationship at allllll

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