What are some things in life that could happen that are worse than your partner cheating on you?

Question by Mr Twister: What are some things in life that could happen that are worse than your partner cheating on you?

Best answer:

Answer by MASTER SHAKE # 20
If my wife cut my junk off…yeah that would be worse.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!.

26 Responses to “What are some things in life that could happen that are worse than your partner cheating on you?”

  1. Michelle says:

    someone kills him or her right in front of you.

  2. Betty Bum Juice says:

    Having to abort a child, losing a loved one, watching your life fall apart in front of your eyes.

    They cheated, hence walk away…..your are worth more

  3. Forsaken says:

    Death or a terminal illness of loved ones.

  4. warrior says:

    You could get a$ $ raped in a parking lot by a group of guys with gonorrhea.

  5. Latin G says:

    you could lose your arm, you could loose your job, you could lose your sight, your mom could die, your brother could die.. someone could steal your car…. your neighbors house could burn down and they all die, your kid could get kidnapped.. i can go on and on….. cheating husband dosen’t sound so bad after all : )

  6. Tamera C says:

    Someone dying

  7. Queen of Beer says:

    The barley supply would become extinct and there would be no more beer.

  8. Jo says:

    The death of my child.

  9. Seth says:

    Your spouse or your child dying. It doesn’t bare thinking about.

  10. H.L. Page says:

    Your partner cheating on you and getting the woman he cheated on you with pregnant.

  11. Scot says:

    Apart from Obama being re-elected, death.

  12. Eh-Lee says:

    I don’t really consider cheating being one of the worse things that could happen in life…

    Things like getting in a car accident and becoming immobile, watching a family member or SO get killed, being robbed, raped etc….

  13. RainKing says:

    Being attacked by a 200 lb chimpanzee and having your face, eyes and hands ripped off and eaten… only to be left alive and subjected to a grossly insensitive Oprah interview. But what are the odds of that happening?

  14. Pamela says:

    to me that’s not the worse thing, honestly in this days i’m living, cheating would not be news or so detrimental to me, my children’s well-being are far more concerning to me than anything else.

  15. Honey says:

    Cheating on me is at the bottom of the list of negative things he can do to me.

    Hitting me
    Abusing my children
    Lie to me or lie on me to someone else
    Physically hurt someone in my family

    All of these things I view as far worse than him cheating.

  16. autumnGoddess says:

    There are SOoooooooooooo many worse things that can happen……so many other things in life that are more important….I can’t even start a list! If he cheated on me — he would either be gone or not. We would go to counseling if we decided to — adn then work on it. Where is the drama? Its not like someone has cancer, its not like you lost your HOME, its not like someone died — I mean, really.

    I guess to summarize health and sanity are more important to me.

  17. latish_ann says:

    1. The loss of a child.
    2. Having some kind of deadly sickness… Like cancer or something.
    3. Losing everything, and end up living on the street.
    4. Death
    5. Becoming paralyzed from the neck down.
    The list goes on….+

  18. Allyn W says:

    Having your genitals shaved with a rusty cheese grater.
    Having to walk through a mine field with clown shoes on.
    Going swimming in shark infested water with a suit made of meat.
    Getting a life sized tattoo of yourself on your back.

  19. azmac229 says:

    Having your child die before you.
    Daughter becoming a Heroin Addict.
    Wife being Raped.

    etc etc etc.

  20. Q&A King... take 2 says:

    Too many to list, really if that’s the biggest problem you ever encounter in life then you are very lucky.

  21. jude says:

    the death of a loved one hurts much worse than loosing a cheating no good spouse.

  22. But Inside I'm Screaming says:

    I’ve had my husband cheat on me…it was devastating. My first husband died in a car accident, and that was much worse.

  23. puppysyndrome says:

    Having a cold pizza delivered to the door!

  24. Susan says:

    If he hit me. If he used me to gain something out of our marriage.

  25. Angie says:

    I could be dead.

  26. smileyone says:

    As someone else said, death or terminal illness of a loved one.

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