what do you guys think about once a cheater always a cheater true or false?

Question by Shannon: what do you guys think about once a cheater always a cheater true or false?
Ok i was just thinking and do you guys really believe that once a cheater always a cheater??? i mean what if say your bf cheated on you and got caught so your broke it off then he comes back saying he is sincerely sorry and he will never do it again would it even be worth giving him another chance i mean the trust would be gone and would it even work??? or what if in this other situation, say you just met this guy you known for about 7months and has told you that he has cheated on every girl he has ever been with then some how you two end up hooking up but he says he’s going to be diff and that he wont cheat should you trust him should you let him go and and not give him a chance or risk it and say not every cheater stays a cheater i mean really think about this cheating is a habit and habits are hard to break ….is there really exceptions if so i’m sure its slim

Best answer:

Answer by ==the_great_sandwich_maker_=
I wouldn’t know if he will do it for all time, but I DO know that if I dated him, there would be a good chance, that based on his previous actions, he will cheat on me too.

Not only that, but he also most likely has an STD. I just don’t even give cheaters a chance.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!.

2 Responses to “what do you guys think about once a cheater always a cheater true or false?”

  1. vince1234 says:

    if they do it once they’ll do it again

  2. aerisrain says:

    I don’t believe once a cheater always a cheater but there is a process of repentance an it doesn’t sound like he has actually done that it sounds like he is playing you. I think you should build a stronger relationship as friends first I know 7 months but that may not have been enough time and talk to his ex’s find out whats really up. I strongly advise you not date him now but keep him in your life you never know he might respect you cause you told him no and if he doesn’t well you found out your answer

    if you get the chance http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ahk7geZQKjiumFfahwv1Hgzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090613231800AAtcoDR

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