What were the signs of your partner cheating?

Question by IUFoolPortage: What were the signs of your partner cheating?
What did you notice?

Best answer:

Answer by hornchurchmale
dismissive attitude to any question I put to her . putting on ear rings and make up to walk the dog.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!.

5 Responses to “What were the signs of your partner cheating?”

  1. tonadachi says:

    1. Short, terse answers in conversation, limited conversation, not offering conversation.
    2. Increased absences.
    3. Unexplained or defensively explained absences.

  2. Snarky Condescendo says:


  3. Samuel says:

    Most of the time when they are cheating, they wont answer their phone and when they do it’ll be a “too good of a reason” answer. Like im at my moms helping or at school u know? Also if he’s paying less attention to you. But if u wanna make sure, just have one of ur friends that he doesnt know, follow him around and see if he is cheating.

  4. Ruth says:

    lets see…he kept accusing me of cheating, accused me of hiding things, took his phone everywhere he went…bathroom , kitchen, to bed…everything.

  5. Haricots Verts says:

    Extra attendance to appearance, avoiding spending time with me (even while at home), in a hurry to get back to work after lunch breaks, listening to new music, buying new clothes, generally stopped discussing little things about his day, picked fights, suddenly wanted me to spend more time with my friends away from the house.

    Turns out he was having some text affair with a 19 year old at work.

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