Q&A: Other ways to catch a cheater?

Question by Asheena B: Other ways to catch a cheater?
I have a gut feeling he’s cheating with his co-worker. (He always says she’s annoying and ugly but lately he’s added bubbly) I’ve never seen her. However, I have no evidence… nothing on computer or phone. So, I asked him last night and he denied it so I really have no proof other than the butterflies in my stomach and doubt that I ever will.

He did say something weird though. I said, I’ve been trying to send you on more errands to see if you wanted to get out of the house more…. and you must not be cheating because you hate to run errands. LOL. His response… “I guess a lot of guys would do that and put in a quick call to their mistress. I would never call someone from my cell phone… I know you would see the details on the bill and scroll through my contacts and see if any of the numbers were weird… then you’d make quick hang-up calls to them to see who it was….???”Could he have thought that up so quickly or is this something he’s played over and over in his head and accidentally just slipped out?

He knows that I check internet history so are there any other ways to tell for sure?

Worry or not?

Best answer:

Answer by Big J v 3
If you already lost the trust, finding out if he is cheating or not is a moot point.

What do you think? Answer below!.

10 Responses to “Q&A: Other ways to catch a cheater?”

  1. Domestic says:

    Get a keylogger on your cp, they even make em for laptops, and I think there’s a cellphone spy thingy somewhere.

  2. sunbun says:

    I would not worry until I know for a FACT there is something to worry about…

    Ask yourself…how is the sex between the two of you…same or less often

  3. IndyGirl says:

    Well, for one thing, he knows you’re a big SNOOPER which he flat told you he finds ANNOYING and he knows how to get around.

  4. rc357 says:

    If i were you i would start trusting him. let him go out more give him all the freedom in the world and then just see where he goes. second cell

  5. infinite crisis 247 says:

    seems to me like this guy is way too versed in domestic counterintelligence techniques. it sounds to me like you already have a good idea of what’s happening (are you sure that that’s his only cell phone…a lot of cheaters keep a prepaid cell phone that is unknown to the spouse). if he won’t be straight up with you, it’s time to clandestinely gather some intel. when you get incontrovertible proof, it’s time to have a long chat.

    however, if you’re wrong in this, you are going to have to back off and start trusting him more…because long term uber jealousy and suspicion sometimes drive the person to cheat, as they feel “hey, if i’m getting constantly getting accused of it anyways, might as well go for it”

  6. Dave says:

    My advice to you is, to stop accusing him. I don’t mean that harshly but the more you pester him the more he’s likely to get sick of it and leave. Yes, he may be cheating but if you’ve got no proof then I think it may be time to assure yourself that he isn’t. However, there’s always an option of him having a lie detector test. I would only recommend him having that if you needed to be sure for certain he isn’t cheating. Apart from that, I think you two need to sort a lot of things out between each other. Trust is a crucial part of a relationship. Without trust, the relationship won’t work, simple. I understand that it’ll be hard to drop the accusations seeing as you’re definately sure he is cheating but you’ve got to understand that he might not be. Just make sure you know what you’re doing when snooping around and think about what the consequences could be. I hope you sort this problem out.

    Good Luck.

  7. "WHAT" says:

    You are going to worry sick over nothing! If he respect you enough not to get caught then you should live it alone ! Hell he may not be cheating just yet !!….lol !!

  8. Hombre says:

    He blew his cover, he knew the answer well before you asked. I hate to fan a fire, but he might have a “secret” cell phone exclusively for her. You just don’t know where he hides it or who pays for it.

  9. Leandro BB says:

    wow if this is the relationship you guys have than I feel sorry for you. Do you have any reason to believe he is cheating or are you just insecure? I would say this relationship does not stand to last too much longer

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