Survey: How do you feel about infidelity in a serious relationship?

Question by nikki93: Survey: How do you feel about infidelity in a serious relationship?
Do you think a marriage or relationship can be saved after infidelity? Would you/have you given your relationship another chance after being cheated on?

Best answer:

Answer by Calista
I give no second chances-cheating means untrustworthy

Add your own answer in the comments!.

12 Responses to “Survey: How do you feel about infidelity in a serious relationship?”

  1. Semper Fidelis says:

    Say that you love me say that you need you wanna hold you wanna please me

  2. •◘☼GO○○PHILS☼◘• says:

    no you can’t/shouldn’t trust a person after they cheat.

  3. Forever Undecided says:

    No, not at all. It’s not that I wouldn’t WANT to forgive that person, I would…but, I would be to hurt to risk another incident like that. I’d be too weak to give them a second chance. I’d forgive them, as in, I’d still talk to them but, giving them a second time to trust, not so much.

  4. Joy Full says:

    Ask Hillary Clinton

  5. HabsFan-in LoneStarSt8 says:

    I think you and your partner need to call Jerry Springer .. to answer your ? no.

  6. Sam Taylor says:

    It is a ridiculous thing that should never happen. If you don’t love someone anymore, break up then do the other person to fulfill your stupid carnal desires. It should be punishable by death.

  7. Beatrix says:

    if they cheat then they obviously dont care about me so its time to find someone who does care. no one deserves to be treated like that, if your in a serious relationship and your unsure, and still ‘looking’ then dont continue. its so lousy when that happens.

  8. Chrissy says:

    Absolutly NOT.
    Once they cheated on you then you know how they truely feel about you because if they loved you in the first place, no cheating would have happend.
    I don’t care what other people say, cheating doesn’t “Just happen” it’s planned!

  9. A.Parsian says:

    it really depends on how it happened and why. i can’t just give u an answer

  10. Kylie<3 says:

    I think it could be saved… if you truly loved someone.
    & no, if a man was to cheat on me, I would never give him a second chance. He’ll think, ‘She forgave me once, she’ll forgive me again.’
    If you go back to someone after they’ve cheated on you, it shows how weak you really are. You can do much better.

  11. ♥ Bubbles ♥ says:

    in my!! i’ve been cheated on once before and i absolutely loved the guy. and after we broke up, (and even tho i loved him very much), i would never take him back. if you don’t have trust in one another then there is really no relationship. every since he did that i have had a hard time trusting guys. i mean if u love someone with all your heart and u marry them, then you dont need to cheat on them. if u do, then u just have been lyin to them the whole time.

  12. Alex says:

    As the late Reverend Darren used to say, ‘Remember the number of second chances God has given us’. People are not perfect. We try, and we fall down many times. God does not give up on us. He forgives us. Would we shun our own children because they fail to live up to our fragile standards? How many of us have been tempted by and succumbed to something we knew was quite wrong. And then were appalled by what we had done, begging forgiveness.
    Marriages can be strengthened through problems, infidelity being one of them. I think we are too hard on each other. I think also that before we stand in judgment, we should put ourselves in the other person’s place. I believe that if we can do these things, our lives and our marriages can be strengthened.

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