What are some obvious signs of cheating, that most spouses usually overlook or don’t notice?

Question by .: What are some obvious signs of cheating, that most spouses usually overlook or don’t notice?

Best answer:

Answer by Elated
That’s kind of an oxymoron. If the signs were obvious, they wouldn’t really be overlooked.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!.

9 Responses to “What are some obvious signs of cheating, that most spouses usually overlook or don’t notice?”

  1. Marie says:

    New clothes, especially underwear. Working out, changing cologne, stressing out about hair, leaving the room to take a call, more out of town projects- to name a few.

  2. Jeffrey G says:

    The signs of cheating are only overlooked or not noticed when you are in denial.

    I lived in denial of a cheating spouse for over 2 years, constantly justifying and rationalizing things because I didn’t admit that this happened to me.

    For your own mental health, please do not go into denial. While it may hurt facing it head on, it is a lot better than hiding from it.

  3. Jon says:

    hair hung in teeth.

  4. AL B Here says:

    Lack of affection.

    Showering more frequently

    Starting arguments

    Unexplained absences

  5. Marilyn says:

    all of a sudden he will have an interest in men’s cologne, or wanting to get rid of his glasses try contacts or laser surgery.
    he will be more self centered.
    you will feel left out even if its only you 2 in the house.
    another biggie is his love making is rougher or just changes.

  6. cool breeze says:

    Dumb lies,being extra happy and horny. A change in they way they kiss.. the kiss always picks up changes ,I don’t know how to explain but the kiss always knows. when they kiss someone else there kiss style gets slightly changed. it hits you very obviously that the kiss feels different.

  7. Dawn says:


    Depends upon if it’s the husband who is suspected of cheating or the wife.

    General signs are:

    1. Strange numbers on the phone bill.
    2. Working excessive overtime.
    3. Excuses for being out late.
    4. Suddenly moody
    5. Doesn’t want to be touched, or sex drive goes into overdrive.
    6. Starts dressing up before heading out.
    7. Hidden email accounts.
    8. Suddenly becomes a fan of Facebook or MySpace.
    9. Hidden computer activities.
    10. You start getting hang up calls.
    11. Routine starts to change.
    12. Has new sexual positions they want to try.
    13. More miles on the vehicle than usual, indicating they’re making detours.
    14. More cash withdraws from the checking account in order to hide activity that would otherwise be obvious if they were to use the bank card.
    15. Hidden credit cards or bank accounts.
    16. Payroll checks don’t match the hours worked.
    17. Vacation hours are disappearing and you didn’t go on a vacation with your spouse.
    18. Takes the family vehicle, but the passenger seat is in a different position then it normally is.

    Okay, I’m gonna stop now. My brain hurts.


  8. null_the_living_darkness says:

    1.Change in general. Does the spouse start to work late, get a new hobby or such suddenly. It could be a cover for cheating. Sure most of the time it’s real, but it could be a sign when combined with:

    2.Mismatches. Granted not everything with match perfectly every time, but in general evidence should match the facts. If the spouse said they were over a friends house less then a mile away, yet when the come home the cars tiers are covered in mud..obviously they were not driving on the asphalt less then a mile away. It’s the same with not being where they said they would be, and that leads to:

    3.Excuses, excuses, excuses. Sure a couple per week is normal, as things do happen at random. But when they have an excuse for every tiny action, every day, that is a bit odd. When it gets to the point that no matter what they do, as soon as they leave your sight, the excuses pile up. From the simple ‘oh I forgot to take my phone’ to the run on ‘Oh we were at Bill’s, but then went to Fred’s and ended up at Jack’s place’. And that leads too:

    4.Crazy lies. They go beyond simple excuses and reality. ‘Oh when I set my phone down I must have accidentally turned it off(for the first time ever)’ or ‘I ran out of gas(though the tank was full in the morning)’. And to:

    5.Just plain strange and odd behavior.

  9. dietzster says:

    Husbands take up a new hobby like playing poker with the guys on Friday nights until late, maybe go to bars to play pool with their friends for a few hours and then call and say they are staying longer to play more games, or they went to one bar and now their going to another with better pool tables and keep staying out later and later. Trying new hair styles and becoming obsessed with their looks.

    Less cuddling, less sex, seem not to hear you because they were thinking about something else.

    Most others were pretty well covered.

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