What are the signs of cheating?

Question by ..Breelyn..: What are the signs of cheating?
I let him do whatever. He works a side job after work and I know it’s true cause I’ve been there. He never refuses sex and mostly always initiates it. So what are some signs he might be cheating???

Best answer:

Answer by kim b
It is hard to find signs… cheater are tricky and sneeky… hire a P.I. to follow him if you really really think there is something to worry about

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!.

21 Responses to “What are the signs of cheating?”

  1. Life lover says:

    Your questioning it is the first sign. women are always right when they start asking that question.

  2. dog owner says:

    And why don’t YOU ever take the first step and initiate sex? He sounds like a hard working man, don’t rock the boat unless you are prepared to get wet.

  3. donny_mollysmom says:

    Talking on the phone in odd out of the way don’t want to be heard places
    changes in grooming, wearing cologne all of a sudden, new clothing, interest in changing weight or hair
    showering when he comes in if it is not his normal behavior
    but really men can cheat and wives don’t know
    best to have honest open communication

    • Michael says:

      Damn, just to let you know, I started to dress better for myself because I wanted to present a better me at work and in public. I also decided to be better groomed and exercise each day and I love niche cologne. I’ve been married for 28 years and have not cheated. I just decided that I want to be the best I can be. So ladies, please don’t think all men who want to better themselves are cheating!

  4. T M says:

    erasing the calls on his cell, checking a lot on where you’re at when he’s not home (make sure the coast is clear for him), acting suddenly different in bed, giving you gifts but not being particularly loving about it (the guilt presents), not being open about finances & keeping you in the dark about exactly how much he makes, hiding the phone bills or paying bills with money orders instead of writing a check, smelling of different perfume and having some lame excuse why…..oh the list goes on & on….. lol

    I’m reminded of a show I saw on cheaters years ago. I think it was Oprah. Anyway, they had a couple of private investigators on there & I found it interesting they said they have NEVER (in many years of doing this) had a woman hire them and found out the man was not cheating. (they had, however had men hire them and the woman turned out not to be cheating). So, if you suspect he is I think there’s a good chance you’re right

  5. wildflower c says:

    1. coming home and going straight into the shower or smelling like different shampoo / soap.. ie had a shower before coming home.. or smelling a woman on him..
    2. making odd excuses all the time to be gone, hiding his phone or catching him on the computer when he’s trying to communicate to her..
    3. odd expenses on your bank / credit card statements or the lack thereof.. (i.e. intercepting mail before it comes in..)
    4. Scratch marks on his back that you didn’t leave..
    5. Suddenly wearing new underwear..
    6. either doesn’t seem interested in sex, or is voracious.. trying new surprising things that haven’t been a part of your sex marriage..
    7. touching you like he’s touching someone else..
    8. withdrawing from you emotionally..

    not one of these would be a guarantee except smelling the other woman or seeing scratch marks / hickies.. but together, well.. it’s time for a talk.

  6. I am women says:

    Cheater are every smart, and cover their tracks, but if he is cheating sooner or later something will pop up to let you know, like lip stick on his shirt, a phone number in his pocket, calls coming to the house and when you answer they will hang up, staying out late, most men have a greater sex drive than women so he will not refuse sex, it good to him that he can have it with two different women.

  7. littlebit says:

    hey well do they stay gone allof the time and do you have the phone ring at allhours and some of the time it is hang calls and do you and you spouse ever have sex any more or all you do is sleep in bed

  8. babieluv says:

    if he’s not doing anything out of the ordinary, then what makes you think he might be cheating?

  9. puffdigi says:

    Do you have any reasons to suspect anything or are you feeling insecure and lonely because he works too much?

  10. the_silverfoxx says:

    change in his outlook phone calls and tells you it was a wrong number happier that before /

  11. NICHOLAS O says:

    Why is it that its alway men talked about cheating when women are more professional than men? Catching unneccessaru altittude, complainning, swing moods, lack of sex drive and desire of having sex, keeping a distance etc. What else does a man notice on women?

  12. butterfly says:

    When it come, you will know, but in the meantime, trust your husband and love him dearly, so far, he did nothing wrong, why are you looking for the sign of cheating when in fact you have the most sincere man by your side. You have to ask yourself, are you fair to him?

    If you keep such mentality of searching for cheating sign, i can guarantee you find no peace in your love, because you lack of trust to your husband, this result in your sensitive of insecure with him.

    I suggest you look for the better moment with your husband, building better and lovelier relationship and stop looking for sign of cheating that can change your personality toward him. And in the end he may realise that after all his loves and hard work given to you and family, end up in you suspicion him of cheating, then hell!, he may really go and cheat.

    • Liz says:

      I’m thinking you are from another planet. In America, on Planet Earth, men want variety more often than not. A good man keeps his eyes on his wife and doesn’t even entertain what might be. If mama is happy, everyone is happy. Most women are too dependant to risk running her husband off–an unfortunate fact of life, especially in this economy.

  13. Princess_Mermaid says:

    If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.

    If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.

    Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.

    Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

    Stop trying to change = yourselves for a relationship that’s not meant to be.

    Slower is better.

    Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.

    If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can’t “be friends.” A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend.

    Don’t settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.

    Don’t stay because you think “it will get better.” You’ll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.

    The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

    Avoid men who’ve got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. They don’t respect women or children. He didn’t marry them when he got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differently?

    Always have your own set of friends separate from his.

    Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.

    If something bothers you, speak up.

    Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.

    You cannot change a man’s behavior. Change comes from within.

    Don’t EVER make him feel he is more important than you are…even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.

    Never let a man define who you are.

    Never borrow someone else’s man.

    Oh Lord! If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you.

    A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.

    All men are NOT dogs.

    You should not be the one doing all the bending…compromise is a two-way street.

    You need time to heal between relationships…there is nothing cute about baggage… deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship

    You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you…a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals…look for someone complimentary…not supplementary.

    Dating is fun…even if he doesn’t turn out to be Mr.. Right.

    Make him miss you sometimes…when a man always know where you are, and you’re always readily available to him- he takes it for granted.

    Don’t fully commit to a man who doesn’t give you everything that you need.

    Keep him in your radar but get to know others.


  14. -butterfly- says:

    He’s a jerk.. Leave his ass

    • Johnny Dethklok says:

      When a man speaks in the forest and there isn’t a woman around, is he still wrong? Everyone knows that a woman’s love is parasitic. They bring very little to the table. Think about it: almost everything any woman has was provided either directly or indirectly by a man, most likely a “beta chump” that you picked up after you realized the exciting and dangerous alpha male cannot provide for you once your looks fade. Ha! Science and history back this up. Hell, they even make movies with this theme! Women are over-valued in our society and an ungrateful lot as well. When you get older and encounter the “cougar” phenomenon, if you have any brains, the epiphany will show itself….

  15. Kathryn G. says:

    Being cheated on is the most hurtful humiliating situation a spouse can put someone through. Especially if you never suspected anything. Which makes you doubt the persons ability to be honest or even who you married. My husband had an afffair with several internet women at the same time. I stayed with him because ?. He denied ever having physical contact but I dont believe it. It hapened two years ago but I can’t forget it. He has always been a flirt and embaresses me to even meet the women he workes with. I am beggining to feel suspicious again and want to clear my thoughts.

  16. Liz says:

    This is how I caught the guy that professed undying love for me: I sent him an email with the first name of a woman I’d seen him eye frequently (my neighbor), i.e. lisa6969@hotmail.com. Immediately his blood went from his brain to his other head and he responded with his phone number and when he’d be home alone. Busted. By the way, I wasted three years on his lying ass. I noticed the wandering eyes, have broken up with him before, but reconnected after his pleas of missing me and his faithfulness. All BS. Let him knock on her door. I’m done.

  17. Sidney says:

    I was at the park with my boyfriend, his phone rung, and he answered, I heard the woman on the phone asked him, “what are you doing?” he said that he was at the park (not we) and she asked him to call her later, he told her that he would and hung up. told me it was a real estate agent. now you tell me….cheater?

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