Would you forgive your partner for cheating?

Question by Casiano: Would you forgive your partner for cheating?
This is a question I pose for both men and women. Please be honest. You dont have to give long answers if you dont want. Yes or no is fine. I just want to see how both men and women generally feel about cheating and whether they might forgive it or not. So…

Men: Would you forgive your female partner if she cheated you?

Women: Would you forgive your male partner if he cheats you?

Best answer:

Answer by ♥Invisible Pink Unicorn♥
Nope – he cheats he gets royally screwed in the pre-nup he signed

Give your answer to this question below!.

33 Responses to “Would you forgive your partner for cheating?”

  1. Cabbie Luvr says:


  2. Davidica says:

    No forgiveness from me and none from him. We’ve discussed our views on the subject and we both concur: you cheat, you’re gone.

  3. GUY bein' a GUY says:


    There is nothing that I have done which would lead her to that.

    So NO.

  4. KissThisLOVESwaffles says:


  5. Latin G says:

    If I could forgive my girlfriend for cheating on me, I can forgive my wife for cheating me.. I’ll be mad as hell, but i’ll get over it.

  6. ah-ight says:

    i’m trying…

    not easy.

  7. mrs g2 says:

    That is THE most important vow of the marriage. When it is broken, so is the union.

  8. Kate **Lucky Canucky** says:


    I had this discussion with my husband before we got married, about what our deal-breakers were. I said if he ever cheated on me I would leave him in an instant. He said that he thinks he could forgive me if I cheated though.

  9. jellyfish says:

    i’m a female with a female partner of 11 years and 7 combined kids. first grandchild almost here.
    i would forgive her, but my feelings would be hurt as to why she needed to go elsewhere. i love her dearly.

  10. Satanic Brainsmasher says:

    No, I was married a long time ago to a woman I caught cheating. I divorced her.

  11. youcandoit says:

    I have forgivin my husband of 12 years of cheating. People are human and do make mistakes but you have to put your foot down and not deal with it. Make them know that will be the last time or your gone. Don’t make him know your ok with it and that you will forgive him if he does it again..Just think of the make up sex and the wonderful things you will get to buy out of it haha

  12. chicobaglover says:

    I tried to , but couldn’t! But I was married with 3 kids, if he had just been a boyfriend, NO WAY!!!

  13. Nicely Done says:

    yes. he left his wife and child for me.

  14. B says:

    It’d depend on how long we were together before it happened, why he cheated, and whether I discovered it on my own or he came out and told me. If it only happened once and he told me about it right after it happened, then I’d at least try to move on and forgive him instead of just dumping him.

  15. silver says:

    i did for give him for cheating and he did it again and again

  16. Popular Geek :) says:

    I am trying to forgive my current boyfriend because I love him so much, but everytime I see him I think of her… but I only found out 2 days ago, well, he told me which I respect him for… and its really eating away at me, if I’m not over it by New Year I think I’m gonna have to end it – however, I’ll never forget it, but I can try.

    So, my answer is yes and no.

  17. Priscilla says:

    I would sure try…

  18. Acquiescent #2 says:

    I would forgive her, if she wanted to continue the relationship. But that’s the clincher, isn’t it? There might need to be some exploration of the relationship for both her and I in order to determine if she or I want to remain, right?

  19. Hottie here says:

    That all depends if they were truly sorry for what they did. It really depends on the situation, did it happen once? was it truly a mistake? If it was an affair that went on for a long time, I probably could not forgive as it would have ruined too much trust in the relationship and I would not be able to believe they were capable of holding a commitment to me.

    Although, I have a hard time believing cheating is ever a “mistake” … cheating is NEVER victimless…

  20. Helen S says:

    I never thought I would, but with kids involved I have tried. It’s not worked so far

  21. puppysyndrome says:

    Yes I would forgive him because I really believe there is freedom in forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn’t make what he did ok, nor does it mean restoration of the relationship, but if I don’t forgive him, it holds me in an emotional bondage. Don’t get me wrong……I believe cheating is a total deal breaker! No second chances!…….so he’d be gone!…..with my forgiveness!

    Edit: I can’t believe these answers!! You don’t forgive them for THEIR benefit! You forgive them for YOUR benefit! We were asked to give honest answers and people have absolutely no respect for that! I truly hope when we all stand before God someday and have to be accountable for our actions that HE will show forgiveness!

  22. Wisen Smart says:

    I would not forgive and would leave him. No ifs, ands or buts to hear. My husband knows very well that is the only thing, other than abuse, that I will file for divorce on the spot.

  23. Popsfav says:

    NEVER. They say, “never say never” but I am 100% on that one. Told him that when I accepted his proposal 20 plus years ago. I know myself and I know my heart. It is unforgivable in my book. Yes, I love him dearly but that would mean in my mind he no longer loved me. I would never believe he did if he cheated and I would not stay with someone that didn’t love me as much as I did him. That is how I know.

  24. Want2tiemeup says:

    I couldn’t. I’d either have to leave her or kill myself……… I really don’t want to be so judgemental but I know just how much it would break my heart.

  25. HotArmyWife says:

    NOPE!!!! and i would have to be brought up on murder charges!!!

  26. Army Dude says:

    I probably could, but it’s a sure bet that I will play mind games for the rest of the time we are together until she broke it off with me. (Which will be part of my master plan. “Do not underestimate the sneakiness.” – The Butler from Mr. Deeds)

  27. Verda says:

    I believe that if your partner cheat once best believe it would happen it again, no matter what promises were made. don’t trust the person, they have to own your trust and please if you live with your partner, one of you should move out to see if this is what you both want. i would not forgive him.

  28. Nana says:

    nope. in fact i’ve plotted ways to torture him if this ever happened.

  29. katrissa2000 says:

    If my husband had a sexual affair with someone else, it would be over.
    I think of how I would feel if I wanted to have an affair. Let’s say I was so unhappy and someone sexy and nice came along…I wouldn’t touch…I see having an affair as THE biggest stab in the back..and if you are able to bring yourself to that level of betrayal, then you are telling yourself that its over.

    Its selfish. there’s no excuse. If you are so unhappy, talk about what your spouse needs to change in the relationship (jealousy, nagging, less sexual activity, abuse, whatever it is) and give it a chance. if you can’t do that, if its been too long and you’ve given them time to do what they need to do..then end it. By cheating you are the one who is now in the wrong, you can’t fight fire with fire.

    So, no. If he cheated, I would be gone. If I cheated, I wouldn’t want him to take me back.

  30. nickers999980 says:

    No, i couldn’t forgive my husband if he cheated, i couldn’t even look at him let alone stay married to him.

  31. Fex says:

    No. My ex cheated. I don’t know what he did do with this woman, nor did I care to hear it. I just don’t like being lied to. If you don’t have honesty and respect in a relationship, you have nothing. I can have nothing my myself, why live in a lie with someone else, you know what I mean?….

  32. Soulminer says:

    I doubt there are many people who cheat once and once only in a relationship. My guess is that 90% of people who cheat on somebody and get forgiven by them will cheat on that person again in due course.

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