Conflicting stories of infidelity downrange, can some soldiers please give me a straight answer?

Question by angelbloo2u: Conflicting stories of infidelity downrange, can some soldiers please give me a straight answer?
Just how bad is the infidelity among the married soldiers who are deployed?
I have heard from some female soldiers that the married guys are the worst, I have heard from others that it is not as bad as the rumors….what is the truth?

Best answer:

Answer by cailano
In my experience, it is really, really bad. Just as bad is the infidelity of those we leave behind.

Its up to you as a couple. Not everyone cheats. Though a couple where NEITHER party cheated would be truly rare.

Have an honest conversation about it and if you decide to trust your husband, trust him 100%.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!.

3 Responses to “Conflicting stories of infidelity downrange, can some soldiers please give me a straight answer?”

  1. steven says:

    I dont think its that bad. It depends on the person and your relationship with your spouse. Ive never cheated on deployment and I know my wife hasnt cheated on me while I was deployed either. We have a good relationship and are really open in our communication.

  2. mnbvcxz52773 says:

    For the most part, its not that bad. Because first of all, there is generally only 1 female around for every 10 males or so. So the majority of people do not even get the opportunity.

    Does it happen, yes. Its not the norm though. When it does happen, generally everyone hears about it, so stories spread making it sound worse then it really is with the rumor mill and all.

    The majority of the cases of infidelity I have seen happen in garrision, not just the wives, but when the husbands are not deployed too.

  3. HDH says:

    Rumors make things out to be a lot worse than they are. Yes, some people cheat. But everybody? Not even close. The opportunity is not any better than it is stateside. In fact, I would say it’s worse, those little hooches in the dirt are not exactly romantic locations…

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