How can you tell if your partner is cheating?

Question by Co&Ca: How can you tell if your partner is cheating?
Every time i ask her “have you or are you cheating on me?” shes so quick to answer. She gets upset that i even think of her cheating on me. She doesnt even look at me directly when i ask her. Like in bed she always faces the wall when i ask and doesnt turn around to tell me no. Are there any little hints or giveaways that tell me if she is or not?

Best answer:

Answer by Gail B
You don’t live in my apartment building do you?
She’s probably cheating. Usually getting upset about the question itself hints at guilt.

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8 Responses to “How can you tell if your partner is cheating?”

  1. Ozzy says:

    I have been cheated on more than once, and yes when they don’t look at you when they answer that question can be an issue. However; how often are you asking this? Maybe she is just tired of answering the same question all the time.
    You can say you’ll be gone for a few hours (living together), days (living apart). Then make surprise visits. You can track phone records if you pay the bill. You can use key loggers on computers.

  2. 287 says:

    maybe that little goo spot in her hair might tip yoou off

  3. holymell says:

    Why are you asking her this all the time?

    Has she cheated in the past?

    Do you have any real, tangible evidence that suggests that she may be cheating?

    If there is no logical reason for you to do this, then you are just making her VERY uncomfortable and pushing her away from you. It’s not a fun thing to be accused of cheating, especially if you are NOT cheating, and then to have your partner repeatedly ask you this question, every night. Why would she want to face you and cuddle with you and stare deeply into your eyes as you ask her if she’s enjoying other penises in her orifices? She doesn’t look you in the eye because it’s awkward. this is all me assuming that she hasn’t done anything to provoke you and that you are just insecure.

    if she has done something to provoke this, then she may just be cheating, that is ONLY if you have reason to believe that she is doing so, and not just out of insecurity or jealousy that she has certain friends or works with certain people or whatever.

    The only reason that I assume that you are insecure about yourself and your relationship is because you provided us with no reason that she could be cheating other than your own paranoia,.

  4. Cyn says:

    Getting upset isn’t enough. Why shouldn’t she get upset when the person she loves doubts her love for them? Once is fine but repeatedly? You’re practically accusing her.

    Has she taken a sudden interest in her appearance? New cloths, working out etc.
    Does she take phone calls in other rooms or brush off your questions about who called?
    Does your relationship feel different?
    Does she talk excessively about a new friend?

    Those are just a few ways to build up your suspicion. You won’t really know for sure unless she confesses or you have concrete evidence.

  5. Booger Head says:

    Well she does have a reason to be upset if you question her loyalty and she has remained faithful to you all the while. The fact that she never makes eye contact when she answers you is a little fishy. If you really want to make the relationship plummet into the depths of despair, get caught doing something paranoid like looking through her contact list on her cell. No, I think you should tell her that you love her and do something romantic and sweet. If she in fact has done something, this will make her feel pretty damn guilty and it might make her come out and tell you. Mention to her that if she ever cheated on you that it would be more painful to find out yourself rather than if she were to be honest and confess. Also, tell her that if she confessed to it, you would be more likely to forgive her (which may or may not be the case, but you will most likely get an answer out of her by saying that).

  6. Gnmn says:

    If i have a partner like you, I will cheating right away .

    I hate this kind a question bz who ever asking this, he either not love me strong or not feeling my love to him …or …he not think he is sexy / power enough to keep me …

  7. eekeekeeke says:

    if a persons belly button is turned away from you it means that theyre lying. you should look into body language.

    you sound paranoid and obessesive.

    if your woman hasnt cheated with all the accusations she certainly will!!!

  8. jude says:

    a cheating spouse will detach from you emotionally, sexually, and appear not to be interested in the life with you anymore. there is no way to be sure unless you would catch her or she admits it. allot of things in a relationship can make one think the problem is cheating when maybe its just a need to communicate your thoughts.

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