I know my girlfriend is a cheater and I still wanted her?

Question by benson27: I know my girlfriend is a cheater and I still wanted her?
I caught my girlfriend cheating with a guy she had an online relationship with when she left email open at my house. She was talking to this guy for months. I also found several other guys she was having online sex with. She even had more sex with new guys as she was begging me to take her back.

Question is: why was I willing to stay with her? I didn’t tell her I knew, and even as she was telling me she wanted me, she was telling others she didn’t and hooking up with more guys online. I still wanted her. I just totally dumped her and told her everything I knew. Of course, she doesn’t want to ever talk to me. I feel empty and I even miss her. She’s the liar and cheater. Why do I feel so heartbroken even though I have proof she’s not even a good person?

Best answer:

Answer by kickstatus101
You don’t decide the people you fall in love with.
You’ll get over her, just give yourself some time.

Add your own answer in the comments!.

16 Responses to “I know my girlfriend is a cheater and I still wanted her?”

  1. DuSteDShaDoW says:

    Because your afraid… Your more afraid of being lonely, and would rather be treated miserably…

    In time, I hope you will not be a door mat for this woman, and find someone that will accept you, for you.

    Get out while you can…

  2. JT says:

    Uhhhhhhhhhhh, dddddduuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmpppppppp her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

  3. chaskfrazier says:

    So, what’s the problem? Let her know that you’re okay with being trampled on and see if she’s interested in having a doormat for a boyfriend. I see it working if you two can agree on it.

  4. BUTTERFLY says:


  5. destiney says:

    even though she wasn’t the greatest girlfriend to you … you did develop feelings for her and thats why you miss her and feel emptiness. But all of that will pass.

  6. tornwax says:

    You are caught in her lie, and now you are lying. Break free of the lie, and you will feel better. It is not easy. But you must do it.

  7. amigirl25 says:

    I guess because you love her and you still dont wanna believe that the person that you fell in love with can be so mean.

  8. Patty G says:

    You feel betrayed by what she has done because you had such deep feelings for her.

    My question for you is: “Is this what you want for the rest of your life a cheater and a liar?” My favorite phrase is: “What you see is what you get.”

    If you continue in this relationship knowing she is this way, then you have no one but yourself to blame for staying in the relationship.

    It is so much better for you to end this now, work on getting emotionally strong and feeling better about yourself.

  9. Terry says:

    Well,you should dump her she has cheated on you man.You know how they say when one door is closed another is opened.You never know if you dump her you could always find some better girl.

  10. Ariel S says:

    Boy, Dats what you call love. You can’t control that feeling.

  11. Vito L says:

    Listen very carefully.. You’ll thank me later.. Gather up your dignity and close the door behind you. Without trust, you have nothing. I went through something similar 2 years ago. I’m much better off without her, and believe me son. You’ll be much better off.. By the way. If you’ve had unprotected sex with her recently. Have yourself checked out at a clinic. Just to be fair to all parties mentioned, She may not be a bad person, she may have a compulsion that draws her into this situation and may require some professional help. if you really care for her on a emotional level, then steer her into seeking some help. Good Luck

  12. felicia c says:

    That chick wanted to get caught because she didn’t cover her tracks well. You were wlling to stay with her because you truly were in love with her. You did the right thing by telling her and dumping her. Evidently she is the one with the issues, NOT YOU!!! You sound like a decent person and you will find someone that will show you love in return. Its normal to feel heartbroken after a break-up, but your heart will mend. Just try and forget about her. She will probably do the same thing to the next guy!!

  13. 6ft5inallman says:

    What comes around goes around. If she cheats on you, then cheat on her…..your not married….if you still want her, then maybe a fling with her best friend or her sister will cure your insecurity! FUC* and be happy!

  14. livefortheweekend says:

    I know what your going thru man, my wife met some guy on-line and she had him come her to visit her. she has lied to me over and over. and it really does hurt, how long where the two of you together. if for awhile then your is a thing called soul ties it’s like your tied together with her and no matter what she has done, those soul ties were/are still there. they were/aren’t broken. I in a small way still care for her. we have two sons together. and we were married for 7 and a half years.

    as far as her having sex with more guys then I really don’t know what I would have done in that situation, I’m a different man than I was years ago, back then I would have done some physical harm to the guys, I just about did that a couple days ago, but I know it’s not worth it.

  15. Ajay says:

    You actually loved her. Ofcourse there is no doubt that you loved her and had she been loyal to you I have no doubt you wouldnot have broken up with her but you see you have to understand that she was not in love with you she just wanted your company, while you were looking in for a serious relationship.
    Though the decision you took has hurt you, it was a necessary and prudent decision. Just remember Life is just the begining always from present the past never says the life has end. So look forward and dont feel guilty or sad at heart. Life is where there is movement, so move on and try to forget that part of life as a tragedic movie.
    Best Of Luck

  16. milkman says:

    i think you need to love and value yourself a lot more than you in the mean time however get together with your friends people who know and understand you and have fun and mark i did ont say get drunk!!

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