Q&A: what is the most common signs of cheating?

Question by Cherokee Beauty: what is the most common signs of cheating?
i suspect my friend is being cheated on and so does she what is common signs of a male cheating sorry men it had to be you guys on the totem pole this time

Best answer:

Answer by Huckleberry Sin
Hm…in my experience, a woman usually has a gut instinct telling her that he is cheating.

Unusual behavior helps as well- like not being able to find him on his cell phone, he travels more than usual, breaks plans last minute..these types of things.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!.

18 Responses to “Q&A: what is the most common signs of cheating?”

  1. Chris says:

    focus on yourself rather than your friend!

  2. Erika says:

    Distance, secretive with phone, abnormal hours at work, cant explain coming home late or account for his where abouts, refuses the GPS tracker on his car to know where he is at all times 🙂

  3. dylannacy says:

    lack of communication, less intimacy, being more grumpy when he is around you. getting angry very fast, staying late from work more often.
    GOod luck!

  4. Mel says:

    Well when my guy was cheating he’d hide his phone from me, he’d act kind of distant, he lied, i just had a feeling something else was going on.

  5. Myrtle says:

    Strange phone calls from females asking for him…
    Him spending more and more time away from home.
    Less love making
    finding strange letters, cards, receipts, etc..

  6. Meka says:

    well the most common signs are staying out late at night, acting suspicious of course, doesnt spend time with the other person and makes up excuses, the sex dies….just some of the signs

  7. swtlilblonde31 says:

    I would say he will start to act defensive, nervous, distant, be secretive with things he normally has never been before and will hide his email, phone anything that would be a way to communicate with other women he will be protective of.

  8. So Cali Guy says:

    ok.. #1 sign..
    check cell phone bill
    see # that constantly comes up, times, times per day
    and who calls and who receives. #1
    a pattern will arise, starts slow then totally gets out of hand usually with texting, and relates to m or f
    unless they use work emails.
    good luck

  9. Dorrene says:

    Here are some common signs of cheating:
    Is he obsessed with his appearance?
    Are there unexplained absences in his time?
    Does he seem nervous when asked about cheating?
    Does he show common signs of lying? (unable to look you in the eye when questioned)

    Please see my blog for my experience: http://hubpages.com/hub/Journey-Through-Divorce

  10. Missa says:

    my ex would say he was at a friends , and not come home. When he finally got home in the morn, he would say he got drunk and fell asleep on so an so’s couch!!!

    plus he was moody with me, and our “s” life went down hill

    tell your friend to go with her gut!!!! RUN

  11. Brandon says:

    Secretive with cell phone.
    Won’t take her along like he used too.
    Says he has to do things with his family friends etc.
    Plain and simple don’t spend time with her.

  12. jake says:

    does not let u see what they are typeing or texting..get made about it.
    tells u to not talk while they r on the phone with one specific person.
    hides the PC screeen ..or closes laptop everytime u walk in.
    dresses up like he would for a date with you, to hang with the guys.
    OH..big one..always walking outside with the phone..for privacy..TALL tail sign..

  13. x2000 says:

    The guy is smiling more.

  14. bibus75 says:

    Cheating Sign #1: He Doesn’t Pay His Bills On Time
    A guy who’s careless about his own responsibilities is going to be just as careless about his relationships.
    Cheating Sign #2: He’s A Do-Gooder
    The people who become the worst cheaters are actually the ones who think of themselves as having the highest moral standards. Why? The speculation is that these people can justify their wrongdoings with explanations that they weren’t doing anything wrong at all.
    Cheating Sign #3: He’s Rolling In The Dough
    Some researchers theorize that those with lower salaries – and thus those who are more dependent on others in a relationship – are less likely to risk ruining the relationship.
    Cheating Sign #4: He’s A Yeller
    Those who are more likely to be abusive (verbally or physically) are simply more likely to be unfaithful.
    Cheating Sign #5: He’s A Mirror Hog
    Some research has shown that the single biggest trait of cheaters is-surprise, surprise-narcissism. These self-loving folks are so wrapped up in their own self-importance that they don’t even consider the effect that cheating has on the other person.

  15. sillerious says:

    most women just “know” when something is wrong. my counselor told me, if you have a feeling your husband cheats, he is most likely doing it. how we know, i cant explain, we just do.

  16. reda m says:

    well i have the answers for you girlfriend. If he has his cell phone with him all the time, hes more than likely expecting a phone call and doesn’t want you to answer it. He gets a lot of blocked calls. Walks out of the room to take certain calls. Leaves a lot using excuse of going to the store and taking long. Doesn’t answer your calls like he normally would. Less sex or just gives it to you to please you but doesn’t get into it. Doesn’t care what you do or about your feelings and emotions. Starts working out or cares more about his looks. Changes his style, music, speech, and sex. Seems distant at times. Is treating you opposite from before. Number one way to know is a woman instinct if you have that gut feeling girl then follow it. Its a woman thing!

  17. Romo says:

    the most common signs…getting less attention than before. if that “flame” has tended to start to cool down, its a very common way. also, his appearance away from her, dressing up when not with her, and dressing causal with her. making up alot of excuses he cant be with her, yet, hes hardly home…..hmmm. cell phone all of a sudden getting no signal, lost signal and merely “im sorry, i had it on vib and couldn’t hear it, until now” excuse…like 2 hours later. yet, yet, when hes with her, he constantly checks it. theres alot of ways, but shes going to have to see them , investigate and finally get some answers from him.

  18. toocute says:

    accusing u of cheating on them,, staying out late, not interested in romance, acting strange

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