Should I pass along info about a liar and cheater to a woman who my ex b/f is trying to date?

Question by missmess: Should I pass along info about a liar and cheater to a woman who my ex b/f is trying to date?
I was in and out of a relationship with this guy for three years. Caught him in several suspicious situations. Finally said, enough is enough. I’m totally over him, but I know of a woman he’s trying to date. Should I give her my info, or let her find out on her own like I did?

Best answer:

Answer by Elite3
Let her find out her on her own. He may have changed and may have just been that way with you. he could treat her totally better and alot different!! Dont go hatin!!!

What do you think? Answer below!.

19 Responses to “Should I pass along info about a liar and cheater to a woman who my ex b/f is trying to date?”

  1. ~SUSiE~ says:

    i would warn her

  2. Katana1971 says:

    if you get involved, gonna look like you want him back and are trying to sabotage him…best to stay away.

  3. Mena says:

    You can BUT she might take it the wrong way as you are still interested and then things can just get all err from there it might be better just to leave things alone.

  4. visionaryme says:

    let each one of us fight our own battles,why be a spoil sport

  5. njoynlife says:

    if SHE asks, otherwise i would stay out of their lives.

  6. Poppy says:

    No you actually could be setting yourself up for slander. If you’re ask that’s one thing but don’t volunteer the information.

  7. J. Galt says:

    Tell her you dated him and let her ask. This way it doesn’t look like you’re a gossiper, which you prolly are.

  8. Cordulay M says:

    If you are really really close to the WOMAN, then yes. If not, then don’t.

  9. chuck says:

    what, are you and this other girl best friends?
    do you really care about this girl to “warn” her, or are you just not handling the breakup well?
    im guessing the latter.

  10. Shortie says:

    Definitely don’t get involved. Only thing you are going to do is make that relationship stronger I know you are saying Huh? well first it will make her want him more like I changed him or make her think you are just a jealous ex and if you are jealous then she has something worth holding on to. Also you don’t know if he is the same way in that relationship as he was with you. I know alot of recovered cheaters once they found the right person. Just concentrate on your life and your next relationship don’t worry about his. If he was abusive I would say yes but sounds to me like if that is the case she’ll find out on her own no need to get in any unnecessary drama.

  11. Ripcord_4523 says:

    let her find out on her own, just let it be.

    Because his true colors will eventually come through.

    as the old saying goes, ” once a cheat, always a cheat.”

  12. Ya..Bru says:

    that is not you business to do so, come on, your life should be better than snubbing arround other people business. if she/ he ask you then yeah why not, but if they dont ask you then it is not your business.

  13. `Button Boots. says:

    Well, I don’t think that you should tell her outright, you will just come across as a jelous crazed ex, and this will not earn you any respect. You could always hint he isn’t so true as she may believe.
    But maybe your ex won’t cheat on her, even the dirtiest of people can be polished, and if they have asuccessfull relationship, you will end up looking pretty sour.
    My advice is just not to say too much to her about it, like you said, you are over him and he is nothing to do with you anymore.
    Hope this helps. x

  14. says:

    i would just mind my own business. it might make you look bad.

  15. Patrick H says:

    that’s not your place. you’ll just look like the bitter ex. unless you guys are best friends, stay out of it.

  16. stuman94 says:

    tell her casualy so u dont seem eger 2 get him back

    how she takes the info is her choice

  17. ? says:

    Sounds like you’re still a bit angry. Unless this person is an actual friend that you care about then just let it go.

  18. laura s says:

    You sould be a true friend and warn her.If she doesnt believe you and still goes out thats on her but at least you will have tried.I think its noble of you if you warn her.I wish someone would have warned me with my ex……I would be greatful in her shoes if you told me ahead of time….Men can be jerks thats why women need to stick togeather.

  19. And the prize goes to... says:

    Well do you really want him to get back into your life? cause if she tells him and more than likely she will, especially if she is interested in him, than he will be trying to talk to you. From my own personal experience, it’s best not to, just let her find out on her own. You can’t follow him around for the rest of his life telling his potential girlfriends the experience that you had with him. or you can do what I did and just do it anonymously.(it worked out pretty well) No one ever found out it was me.

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