Ways to Cope with Infidelity and Rebuild Your Marriage

Rebuilding a broken marriage is still possible for anyone. Extramarital affair doesn’t always have to end in court and destroy a beautiful family. Its not even necessary that you go over the third party’s house and beat each other to death. Remorse and repentance is still a beautiful sight for married couple. It is still possible to rebuild trust and go on with the future with a solid and happy family.


Every marriage needs a second chance. Knowing the root cause of why the other partner cheats could lead to great solutions in repairing the marriage. Betrayed spouse might sometimes be shocked that the reasons are petty but are very important in igniting love. These are the same reasons that are often ignored by partners.

If your partner is currently cheating on you, here are positive ways for you to cope up with infidelity, and might win your partner back into your arms.

Be interesting all over again. Remember when you were still single and you were full of life? Because you were doing the things that you were passionate about. When you do the things you love, your beauty shines and draws people to you.
Do a kind deed or say a kind word to your partner each day. Sometimes, all that people actually need are simple expressions of love to make their day. Everyone is wearing an invisible sign around their neck saying “Make me feel important”. So make your partner feel important and wanted by you.
Do exciting things together. Remember when you were both still dating? You went hiking, surfing, and all the fun activities both of you can think of. Having fun when bonding will liven up your relationship and will remind your partner just how great of a person you are.
Be physically attractive. Dress up and don’t let a busy schedule with work and kids make you look haggard. Exercise, have a good diet and always look presentable to your partner.
Have a positive outlook in life. Stop nagging and bringing back past issues. If you have already forgiven your partner for his/her infidelity tries your best not to remind him/her over and over again. Instead, be the loving and more supportive partner this time around.


Giving a marriage a second chance would both give you and your kids peace of mind and will you both realize that your partner is still the same person you feel thrilled about when you were just dating and he/she is still the same person you wanted to have a happily ever after.

Tammy Love understands the challenges of surviving infidelity and is now the chief editor of Surviving Infidelity.com . She is now helping those who have suffered Infidelity to survive and thrive and move forward by providing support and a community to help each other through the difficult times.

Contact Tammy to find out more about How to Survive Infidelity and get your free 6 Steps to Surviving Infidelity Report.


One Response to “Ways to Cope with Infidelity and Rebuild Your Marriage”

  1. Ossy says:

    Infidelity in marriage may seem a bit more serious than other marital challenges but it doesn’t have lead to break-up.A couple should find strength to forgive and rebuild their marriage. This, however, will be helped if the cheating spouse will turn a new leaf.

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