Would you watch a TV show where I drive across the country in my 1974 El Camino and catch bad guys?

Question by Eddie Cacciatore, Private Eye: Would you watch a TV show where I drive across the country in my 1974 El Camino and catch bad guys?
Cheaters, deadbeat dads, crooked politicians? People would hire my services through ads in their hometown Pennysaver. In between towns, I’d go to church, work out, eat meatball heros and listen to my 8-track tapes.

Just wondering if this would be a show that you’d watch.

Best answer:

Answer by samus92
NO!!!!!!!!! It would be canceled after the first 5 episodes

What do you think? Answer below!.

7 Responses to “Would you watch a TV show where I drive across the country in my 1974 El Camino and catch bad guys?”

  1. єℓιzα©™ says:

    not on TV though, I’m very busy, but I would watch it on youtube.
    I’d even put your picture on my wall.

  2. Mrs. B says:

    Maybe. I guess it depends on how exciting your captures were. And what 8 tracks you have. Are we talking Village People here? If so, count me out. If we’re talkin Iron Butterfly and Steppenwolf, I’m in!

  3. Quiet Desperation says:

    I’d watch that. Your profile pic is hot. Can you act?

  4. J.J. says:

    No..My husband likes to watch the Irish Celtic Chicks singing on PBS…And he won’t give me the remote..

    I need some manly movies..where they blow up crap…and here he is watching these damn woman!!

  5. autumn says:

    Oh, yes, I would definitely watch that show. I love those kind of offbeat shows with eccentric characters. It’s got everything going for it – adventure, travel, a tough, hero-type with rugged good looks who dares to be different and isn’t afraid stray from the norm, catching all kinds of bad guys and ne’er-do-wells. Plus, there would be all kinds of assorted characters, settings, and situations each episode. Will this be airing in September?

  6. cool says:

    i love to watch T.V. but there is always a fight for the remote. and he wins. yeah i love to visit temples, i do yoga (simple ones). but have not eaten “meat balls” Yet!!!

  7. Lordpercywooster says:

    god yes especially if you made EF across country , not skanky ones like Dog but good looking women

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