Are these signs of cheating?

Question by Trevor: Are these signs of cheating?
I’ve heard that people that cheat don’t make time for you anymore and pick fights over little things. My gf does this a lot, is she cheating? We don’t text as much anymore (though I suppose we are busy) and she cancels dates.

Best answer:

Answer by C C
Man up

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16 Responses to “Are these signs of cheating?”

  1. applejax says:

    They could be signs of cheating, but they may also be signs of a tired relationship. You will not know until you have concrete evidence of cheating. Talking your thoughts over with her would be wise.

  2. Nevaeh says:

    Doesn’t mean shes cheating on you, maybe she’s no longer interested. I dunno, there comes a time when the feelings start to fade, so you have to make time for eachother, do things that are romantic, and do things that are fun. Talk to her about the way your feeling, & then plan a romantic night for just the two of you.. ask her if she still feels the same way about you. These are all ways to get a good decent answer..

    because we don’t know if you don’t know.

  3. army mom says:

    she’s busy with another guy

  4. SAVANNAH says:

    that does not necessarily means shes cheating. she may just want some time to herself.

  5. -->Infamous<-- says:

    Yeah . When I cheated on my boyfriend I was like that . I always canceled at last minute .
    Maybe you are just not right for each other though ..

  6. Kathleen says:

    Yeah those are signs. Maybe you should start investigating

  7. Joe says:

    That’s honestly a load of S***. As time progresses in a relationship, a couple must deal with many new challenges, especially if they’re a young couple. The cute texting usually slows down a little bit as you get to know the person. Just because puppy love may be wearing off does not mean she is cheating on you. If this relationship is worth it to you, sit down with her and tell her how you feel about her and make sure she has the same feelings for you. If so, settle the main issues bothering you and have faith in her for now.

  8. Joseph says:

    talk to her… understand what is going on in her head and then take the decision…. if this too does not work then wake up … she is not that into you

  9. gurlygirl says:

    maybe, maybe not. let her know your unhappy, if things stay the same leave. life is too short to be unhappy

  10. Richard Moreno says:

    im sorry, she’s either cheating or needs space/getting bored… :s i feel ya bro

  11. Brandy G.dotson says:

    I think it may not be cheating. Maybe your gf just like doing things when she is talking with somebody else. Try to be tolerant with her, Ok?

  12. jay_d_skinner says:

    No relationship goes anywhere without communication.
    It certainly sounds like it to me, she is either seeing someone else or is tired of seeing you.
    It’s a two way street. I would call her up or text if you feel you must. Indicate that this relationship is going no where and your not satisfied with her placating you anymore.
    Now after you have broken it off if she is truly interested in you she will make an effort, if not its water under the bridge. Go find someone else to share your life with.

  13. Gem says:

    Speaking as a woman, it looks to me that she is losing interest ….. picking fights over nothing, and cancelling dates do look suspicious. Any change from one behaviour to another could mean that something is wrong even if she is not cheating. You should confront her and ask her directly. If she is evasive and does not want to talk …. it’s not a good sign. Hopefully, there is a reasonable explanation for it all, I wish you the best.

  14. *I'm Sour* says:

    Possibly. Sadly I used to be a cheater when I was younger so here are a list of things I would do
    .While cheating i’d say I was at a friends house then turn my phone off and say”It was dead”
    .Pick fights
    .Not want to be Intimate
    .Come home from work/school late
    .Not answer calls for long periods of time

    But just because she does some of the above does not mean she is cheating on you. She may just feel stressed out or need some alone time. Don’t start an argument accuse her of cheating right after getting these answers that may make the problem worse. Sit down with her or call her and talk out everything. You may want to text her a message such as “Sweetie I need to talk to you about a few things, call me when you have some time to talk”

  15. KYRIAH says:

    doesn’t mean she is cheating the same thing happen with me and my now EX, i went off to college and he got really insecure and thought i was cheating b/c i didn’t return his calls or text messages..i was just tired from studying all night and going to class all day..but b/c of assumptions we’re not to clear things up communication is the best way to resolve the nagging suspensions you have, word of advice don’t ever make assumptions b/c more than half of the time they are WRONG! just set aside some time to talk with her and listen to her reasons for her feelings you may be surprised to know she might be going through something emotional. girls are like that sometimes b/c we feel that guys don’t wanna hear all of our problems we maybe having

  16. Carl says:

    Even if she isn’t, you deserve better.

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