Why I dreamed with this particular guy and not some dud I actually like?

Question by Sherubin: Why I dreamed with this particular guy and not some dud I actually like?
I’m not romantically involved with this man neither have I ever liked him but then I keep dreaming of his life and me. I met him long time ago where I use to work but we never really spoke, he is tall and handsome but really not my type so any ways I had the first dream with him about 4 years ago it was very strange it showed me kind of looking for a job and jumping from place to place country to country and some how the same was happening to him in the dream then out of the blue I’m dancing with a bunch of people in like a river with clear water and he was watching from far then I see a little fish in the water and I try to catch it and he tried to do the same thing catch the fish then out of the blue there is a current that takes me a strong one and I cant fight it off is dragging me away and I’m very afraid then he grabs my hand and pulls me out like kinds of saves me from trouble and at the same time he catches the little fish and so I’m very thankful to him and I hug him and then I hear God’s voice saying, NOW YOU CAN MARRY.
The second dream I have of him is like more of a present one and not future, I see him with a blond girl he is very much in love with her, he is I think engaged but she is very unfaithful in the dream but he really trusts her then later on in the dream he finds out she is not very faithful and she breaks his heart then I see my self going out on our first date and is at Tim Hortons LOOL! And I’m very nervous then I wake up.
The third dream, I see him singing to me telling me he loves me etc….
Anyways so after all this dreams I’m puzzled with him kind of wondering what is so special about this guy that I’m dreaming of him so I looked for him in face book but then how if I don’t even remember his name loool that is how uninterested I was when I worked with him any ways I gave up right away then 1 month later a friend from the same place I used to worked at adds me to face book I accept then one week later I see a friend suggestion and is this dud Andrew that I used to work with so then I ask him for friendship etc.. He accepts me then I see he is engaged to a blond girl same woman I saw in my dream that totally freaked me right out !!!!!!!!!!!!
Is my mind playing tricks on me or what, and like I can’t really do much and I’m not some crazy chick that is going to just go after this guy just because of a dream but I do feel sorry for him if he is like dating a cheater oopss for him.
What do you think?

Best answer:

Well if his name wasn’t worth remembering, I doubt you guys had any sort of good relationship. So despite your dream, although I believe it could be a premonition. I don’t think it is right for you to interfere. For one, the likelihood of him believing you is slim to none since you aren’t the closest of people. And secondly it could just be another innocent dream, you could just bring unnecessary drama and paranoia into their relationship. For all you know their relationship could be stable and healthy. If she is the witch of the century, he must sadly learn this for himself. Trust me, he won’t be thanking you for telling him his mrs is a cheater. I don’t think its wise to have responsibility in other people’s problems either. I think let it run its course, perhaps look at Johnny Depp pictures before you sleep, try and change your dream date? lol.

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